You can now pay for data or fund your wallet with USSD or bank transfer on our website.

This option is available for those who have genuine safety concern as regarding filling their ATM card details online, even though our website is secure.

How to do so >>

When you are on the payment page, choose RAVE and click on PLACE ORDER to proceed with payment.

You will be redirected to the next page, click on PAY NOW.

By default it will show you space to enter ATM card details, ignore that if you don’t want to pay with your ATM card and scroll down, then select change payment method,

It will show you a list of other payment methods available which includes ussd and bank transfer. Select ussd, then choose your bank, a code will be generated for you instantly and you will dial the code, then authorise payment with your pin. That’s all.

This is very reliable and efficient, it has been tried severally.

Your genuine concern has now been addressed, you can now safely transact on our website. Thank you.